
Saturday, 11 August 2012

Royal Olympics

Not really sure why I made these...

But there are more coming.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

London's many visitors

As non cave-dwellers among us may have noticed, London will soon play host to that magnificent orgy of televised grim-looking healthy people that is the Olympics.
There will be triumphs (I’m told many of the sports feature some competitive element).
There will be Spectacle (there have been numerous sightings of people carrying a flaming stick).
There will be people, and lots of them, and this is the part that I’ve been beginning to notice.

Yes London, already famous for its wide open spaces and voluminous tube system, is starting to fill in preparation for the upcoming weeks of sport, and it’s starting to get noticeable. Not that I blame the people of course, after all the Olympics is possibly the only time you can tell someone that you’re going to spend the weekend watching something like table tennis, and not be thought of as the local weirdo. But the fact remains that London also has other stuff in it, which evidently a large number of people have thought they’d sneakily visit before the games.
Which means that now, more than ever, the people of London are treated to an opportunity to watch and study that most curious of beasts, the tourist.

Of course, being middle class and currently living in London, it’s hard to suppress the knee-jerk reaction caused by the cigar smoking old man who lives in the back of my brain and yells “damn nuisances, get them off the streets!”, and to a certain extent  he’s right.
It is annoying having to force your way through crowds of gormless frowning zombies, all jointly squinting at their phones as they try to take a picture of the same tube station sign, just to get on a train, and it can get tiresome listening to the babble that inevitably surrounds them as they applaud street performers, point at landmarks and ask loudly for directions. Most people in a city have somewhere to be at any given time, but the tourist is there to see the city itself, and so by definition must be in the way of everyone else.
Despite this, I’m surprised to say that I don’t really mind.
I like being in a busy, thriving and active city, and considering the monumental strife clouds that pour out of the business section of the newspaper every time I open it, it’s rather gratifying to see cafés, pubs and galleries doing such a roaring trade. London needs trade and it needs tourism, and more and more I’m beginning to appreciate that without tourists, it’s likely that large chunks of the stuff that makes London fun simply wouldn’t exist. Seeing the London Eye every day may be cool, but the truth is that it’s not there for my benefit, it’s there for the people who want photos of it, in it and of themselves around it, so that their friends and relatives can bask in the glory of their holiday on facebook.
The point hit home when I saw a red phonebox covered in velvet (for reasons unknown at this juncture) surrounded by more people with cameras than the average B-list celebrity, and I realised in that moment what a wonderful thing it was that we as a city could afford to put that sort of thing there just for the amusement of passers-by.
In fact, seeing the admiration with which people treat such trivial things as phoneboxes, black cabs and policemen makes me rather proud of this country and of this city.
Now, when I see someone taking a photo of the Thames, or Covent Garden Market (where I work incidentally) rather than inwardly sighing and wondering why anyone would want such a digital keepsake, I now feel proud in the knowledge that the city in which I live is regarded as so incredible by tourists as to require photo-evidence of its awesomeness.

So, long live the trade of photos with beefeaters, novelty mugs and pointing at stuff, because it means that I can walk the streets of London and occasionally hear someone say “wow, isn’t that cool!”, and I smirk to myself, and think ,"hell yeah, I live here".

Friday, 15 June 2012

I have a another blog

This one is for photos.
of things and people.
some of them look like this.

it is here


Saturday, 5 May 2012

Need a Put-Down?

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by The JavaScript Source

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

I love kids....

Recently, while conversing late at night with fellow blogger, CFB, I had realisation that if all else failed, I could at least pursue a career as a children's entertainer.
This gave me the idea to take up my alter ego, Sheldon Drake, who has recently decided to take up a career in clowning, under the lovable name of "Molesto the Clown"

I posted some Ads online to showcase myself, and waited

See the advert in its natural habitat

Friday, 9 March 2012

Choccy philly?

As I was perusing Tesco the other day for my weekly dietary requirement of baked beans, vodka and any cereal featuring a terrifyingly happy mascot and alarming sugar content, I happened upon a strange thing.

As I arrived at the refrigerated Philadelphia section, wondering idly about the merits of purchasing the aforementioned delectable cheese spread, I noticed something odd.

There was a newcomer.

Sat next to the regular Philadelphia and its flavored cousins, was a tub, colored not in white, but in the distinctive blue that signifies the presence of that choccy totin’ diabetes-givin’ chocolossus; Cadburys.
This was unexpected. I knew that Kraft, the makers of Philadelphia had bought Cadbury sometime in the past, but I assumed that seeing this bizarre food mash could only be the product of a stroke of some sort, as although it can be perfectly fine for one company to own and run another, Hellmann's mayonnaise and Dove soap are owned by the same people, and I hope to god they never attempt a cross-over product.

Here’s the root of the problem with this new chocolate Philadelphia - cheese. Philadelphia is quite definitely a cheese. It is a fine cheese, don’t get me wrong, but a cheese nonetheless, which makes the idea of adding chocolate quite unappealing. Even as you look at it in the shop, mentally the two worlds of cheese and chocolate are colliding with such force as to make your mind hurt. There have been many successful food fusions in the past; peanut butter and jam, fish fingers and custard, chilli and chocolate, pepper and strawberries, or noodles on toast, but chocolate and cheese is not among these success stories (all of which I suggest you try if you yet haven’t).

I'm boggled by the fact that someone at Kraft at some point decided that this was a good idea. Philadelphia has done well for itself. They practically own the market for spreading cream cheese, to the extent that I can’t even name a single rival (if there are any). They then had another stroke of genius in skipping the middle man and pre-adding many of the things the public love to add to phily, like chilli or chives, and not chocolate. All of these previously existing products are simply fantastic, and form a part of many of my favorite foods, especially the chilli one, which is what I imagine the clouds of heaven taste like. 
So why they would attack the chocolate spread market is beyond me. Cadbury already has an excellent chocolate spread, and the fact is that Nutella is the only sane choice most of the time anyway, leaving the market pretty clearly not lacking some new cheese based wonder product.

And yet what they decided was, that the market needs something that's essentially Cadbury's chocolate spread, but tastes a bit more like cheese, and goes off if you don't refrigerate it.

Nice one Kraft.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Everyday problems

Everyone has problems.
Personally, I have just over 98 problems, some of which include: a fear of screaming, a blood feud with Santa and a stalker that turned out to be my own alter ego.
Anyway, being the kind soul that I am, I have decided to help solve a few everyday problems for you; the readers (both of you).
My dream Job

I hate dealing with my boss
My solution is long term unemployment. This particular technique has helped me get over a particularly nasty boss I had around a year ago. He  was always going on about something, saying those typical boss things like ”move that over there” and “casual Friday isn’t an excuse for inciting racial hatred” or “you’re not allowed to keep pythons in my office”
He was a real slave driver, or that was what it said in the police report I filed claiming he was an underground slave trader.
Anyway the whole experience traumatized me so much I’ve been forced to become a jobless unwashed alcoholic jabbering layabout – or “student” as they’re called these days

I hate dealing with my bass
The bass can be irritable fish at the best of times, so constant care is needed. Try to avoid being seen with other fish, as this will only lead to a nasty smelling slap

The commute is so depressing
Have you thought about changing your method of transport?
The Queen of England used to complain constantly about her commute from Windsor Castle to Buckingham Palace, saying that it had to many silly safety regulations which made it boring (in fact, the royal family have never been fans of seatbelts).
The queen now gets around in the chariot that’s pulled by swans and flies a majestic banner that reads “because I CAN!!!” and she is much happier now.

My country is bankrupt after years of lazy tax collection and high level corruption
Feel like criticizing our cars and our food now do you?

I’m afraid that people don’t listen to me
Have you tried replacing the carburettor?

These are one of the greatest problems faced the modern man, and one that many have tried and failed to find a solution for. I personally have a method, though it cannot fully numb the pain of mornings, as only death’s sweet embrace can do that.
1) Get a large plastic jug, like the kind you may make a smoothie in, or trap a tarantula
2)add  the following:
                2 eggs
                soy suace
                turkey extract
                water vapour
An Artist's impression of the cruise ship captain
                the tears of a child
                some compressed marmite

3) stir with a fork while muttering satanic oaths
4)throw it a someone - laughing at them usually helps my hangovers

Driving this cruise ship is boring
Well I’m sure that one game of angry birds can’t hurt

 My car keeps making mooing noises
That is not a car, that is a cow, and you are most likely hurting it. Return it at once to a field and yourself to a hospital.
Also remove any items you may have placed in the "boot".

I’m always losing things
Steal someone else's things
It is a well known fact that soon scientists will be able to bestow life upon inanimate objects, much in the manner of Disney films, and when that day comes, objects will simply be trained to follow you around like diminutive emotionless slaves. Then obviously subjugation will lead to bitterness and eventual bloody revolt, and an apocalyptic future much like terminator, but with more toasters and a catchier soundtrack.

I can’t find love
Then let love find you.
The best way to gain a partner is to use some kind of snare to get a member of the opposite sex to notice you, and then you can move forward from there. good examples of snares include interesting clothes, a new haircut or what I use, which is a large pit dug in the woods, covered with leaves (this does attract a fair number of bears though, which can be good or bad though depending on your mood)

My tumble-dryer keeps talking to me
Tell him to put a sock in it!

The cold
Then fight fire with fire. And by that I mean set things on fire, and then fight those things with more fires. Everyone loves a bit of fire, and none more so than pensioners, young children and log cabin residents, so why not give them an “incendiary surprise” to brighten their boring and previously non-combusting lives. Pretty soon you’ll be basking balmy heat, and you may even make the news

I hate mornings
Become nocturnal, that way you can mix things up by hating the evenings instead.
What’s better than being filled with rage as you watch the sunset?

There are students and other hippy types protesting in the financial centre of my city, what should I do?
The only sensible way to deal with peaceful protesters is the use of excessive force and chemical weaponry. Show no mercy as you poison and humiliate them for believing in something.
Use airstrikes if you can get them.

My essay about self-automated typewriters it going badly
Well, it won't write itself

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Sunday, 15 January 2012


Yes this does mean I'm back and intend to do some more
yay I guess