The Following text conversation actually took place, and was completed without the aid of the internet. It is the sort of thing that makes me believe that I am in medication that I don't know about.
Or maybe it's all the fish
ME: There is a man here who looks so much like a fish that I had to tell someone
LEO: Try to Flash fry him
ME: I failed – he’s a slipper character
LEO: The whole enterprise sounds like a damp squid
ME: And it would have only made him crabby
LEO: Plus if you didn’t cook him properly it’d probably make you eel
ME: And eating him all would have been a little shellfish
LEO: Plus you would have made a fair few anenomies
ME: Shame really, we could have had a whale of a time
LEO: Well I’m sure he wasn’t cruel to you on porpoise
ME: If he had, I would have noticed him carping on about it
LEO: Well, he’ll soon change his tuna
ME: I’ll seal his fate
LEO: Feed him to the street urchins!
ME: They’re shrimpy little guys
LEO: Well, they were prawn that way…
ME: Cod made them that way I guess
LEO: Just the wrong time and plaice I suppose
ME: Makes me feel clammy just thinking about it
LEO: I would like to call a formal end to this fish pun session now by saying: the end. Fin.
ME: Damn.
Note: some of the texts have been abbreviated, so as to highlight the fishy goodness.
So long and thanks for all the fish - puns
So long and thanks for all the fish - puns
I certainly haddock good laugh reading this.